Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Post One: In Which I Make Lost of Dresses with Hoopskirts

Note: I don't know what happend to the original post one. I'm blaming small people who aren't supposed to be touching the computer. 

I have always loved to sew. When I was a very little girl, our homeschool co-op was making princess hats, and all us little people had a chance to sew a seam - on the sewing machine. I was hooked. I was constantly making cloths for everyone's American Girl dolls. Being small, they had the advantage of being easily made by hand. When I was twelve or so, I discovered Living History, and I was totally hooked. I sewed historical clothing (don't dare call them costumes!) from many different eras over the years, and eventually got a sewing machine that didn't catch and pull when I went too fast.
Eventually, I managed to get my sister to join me in my favorite hobby, and then I had even more sewing to do.

I was even so insane as to made my own wedding dress.  I enjoyed it, but it was SO much work. And kinda stressful. 

This is my inspiration piece. Princess Alexandra of Denmark in 1867.
 It's right there between hoopskirts and bustles.  Love love it. 
Here we have an elliptical shaped hoop 

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